Nyanga National Park
There are three rest camps at Rhodes, Mare and Udu Dams. They offer the visitor spacious thatched self-catering one and two bed-roomed lodges with a fully equipped kitchen. Rhodes Dam, which is аlsо the Park headquarters, is located near the main entrance in а pine forest. Mare Dam is in the centre of the Park and close to three trout fishing dams and Nyangwe Fort. Udu Dam is in the north-west of the Park, on the road to Nyangombe Falls.
There are аlsо two lodges at the Pungwe Drift, one located on each side of the drift over the Pungwe River, upstream of the Pungwe Falls.
Camping sites
There is а camping ground and Caravan Park by the Mare River half а kilometre west of Rhodes Dam and а second camping ground at Mtarazi Falls. They are well sheltered and cooking can be done on wood fires. There used to be a much larger Nyangombe camping ground, but it closed in the late 1990s.
Privately owned camps and sites
There are two private facilities within the Park: Rhodes Hotel, incorporating Cecil Rhodes' old homestead, and the Mountain Club of Zimbabwe hut, in the Kwaraguza road from Mount Nyangani to Troutbeck.